Quiz : Hvilken sang begynder med...
Spørgsmål 1 af 10
I got my first real six-string...
Spørgsmål 2 af 10
Goodbye Norma Jean Though I never knew you at all...
Spørgsmål 3 af 10
I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight...
Spørgsmål 4 af 10
You don't have to be beautiful...
Spørgsmål 5 af 10
Last night I dreamt of San Pedro...
Spørgsmål 6 af 10
If there's something strange in you neighborhood...
Spørgsmål 7 af 10
There comes a time, when we heed a certain call...
Spørgsmål 8 af 10
Close your eyes. Give me your hand...
Spørgsmål 9 af 10
I must have dreamed a thousand dreams Been haunted by a million screams...
Spørgsmål 10 af 10
As He Came Into The Window It Was The Sound Of A Crescendo...

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